
Hvor bor Peter Schmeichel?


  1. Hvor bor Peter Schmeichel?
  2. Hvor meget er Peter Schmeichel god for?
  3. Hvor bor Kasper Schmeichel?
  4. Hvor har Cecilie Schmeichel købt hus?
  5. Hvor meget får Kasper Schmeichel i løn?
  6. Hvor langt kan Peter Schmeichel kaste?
  7. Hvad tjener Kasper Schmeichel om måneden?
  8. Hvad er der sket med Kasper Schmeichel?
  9. Hvad blev Kasper Schmeichel solgt for?
  10. Hvilke danske sportsstjerner tjener mest?
  11. Hvad er den højeste løn i Danmark?
  12. Hvilken dansker har scoret flest mål i Premier League?
  13. Hvad får Thomas Frank i løn?
  14. Hvor meget tjener Kasper Schmeichel om ugen?
  15. Hvad får Kasper Schmeichel i løn i Nice?
  16. Who is Peter Schmeichel?
  17. Who is Peter Boleslaw Schmeichel?
  18. How many international caps does Peter Schmeichel have?
  19. Who is David Schmeichel's ex-wife?
  20. Who is Peter Schmeichel?
  21. Who is David Schmeichel's ex-wife?
  22. How did Schmeichel end his Manchester United career?
  23. Who is Peter Schmeichel's daughter Cecilie?

Hvor bor Peter Schmeichel?

Peter Boleslaw Schmeichel

Denmark's Peter Schmeichel is arguably the best goalkeeper in the history of the Premier League. He had a glittering career that lasted from 1981 until 2003 and is best remembered for his hugely successful time in the Premier League with Manchester United - with whom he won countless trophies - and for helping Denmark to win the European Championships in 1992. Schmeichel was born in Gladsaxe, a town on the outskirts of Copenhagen, and played for several local football teams before playing for Brøndby. It was Schmeichel's impressive performances with Brøndby that led to him being snapped up by Sir Alex Ferguson for Manchester United, the team Schmeichel supported as a boy. When he joined Manchester United in 1991, he was fairly unknown to the other players but left eight years later as a prominent club 'Great' with Ferguson having described his £505,000 signing as the "bargain of the century". Schmeichel's 6ft 3in height and imposing physique, prompting his 'Great Dane' nickname, were beneficial when conceiving the innovative 'star-jump save'. Although now a widely used move in goalkeeping, Schmeichel was reportedly the first to take on this technique with regularity, adopting skills from playing handball in Denmark. Generally considered one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time, Peter's success earned him 24 major trophies and he has been featured amongst the '125 Greatest Living Footballers' at the FIFA 100 celebrations and within the Football League 100 Legends. In 2001 Schmeichel was awarded an honorary MBE for his services to football. Following his retirement from football, Schmeichel has remained in the public eye, in both sport and television. Peter presented the Champions League coverage in Denmark for 8 years, hosted the World Cup show for Russia TV in 2018, has presented a variety of entertainment shows for TV2, TV3 Denmark and Discovery international and regularly appears as an analyst on the Premier League channel and for the BBC on 'Match of the Day'. His son, Kasper Schmeichel, followed in his father's footsteps and is also a professional goalkeeper, playing for Leicester City and Denmark.

Hvor meget er Peter Schmeichel god for?

Schmeichel was born in the Søborggård parish of Gladsaxe, Denmark, to Inger, a Danish nurse, and Antoni "Tolek" Schmeichel, a Polish jazz musician. He held Polish citizenship until November 1971 when he, his father, and his three sisters became Danish citizens.[6]

Schmeichel inherited his middle name – Bolesław – from his great-grandfather.[7] He spent his early years in the town of Buddinge, Copenhagen, and began his football career playing for a team in the adjacent suburb of Høje-Gladsaxe. His first match came on 7 August 1972 at the age of 8.[8] After a two-and-a-half-year unbeaten run, Schmeichel was approached by BK Hero, a team from a few divisions above Høje-Gladsaxe and with one of the largest youth football schemes in Denmark. BK Hero merged with Gladsaxe BK in 1979 to form Gladsaxe-Hero BK, and Schmeichel was presented with the opportunity to play for the Zealand FA's junior representative team.[9]

Before becoming a professional footballer, Schmeichel had to work a number of jobs to make ends meet. His first job came in the dyeing department of a textile factory, but safety concerns led to his resignation. He then spent 12 months as a cleaner at an old people's home, before taking up an office job with the World Wildlife Fund. He originally worked in the organisation's shops, but three weeks after he joined, the store manager left and Schmeichel was promoted to the position of sales manager. Soon after, Schmeichel was called upon to do his four months of compulsory military service. However, this coincided with Hvidovre's summer training camp in Portugal, which he was permitted to go on with the proviso that he completed his military service the following month. Nevertheless, the delicate organisational situation that arose between the WWF, the Danish defence department and Hvidovre prompted Schmeichel to give up working for the WWF. A job with his father-in-law's flooring firm came next, until he realised that his knees could not support his 15 stone (95 kg) frame for eight hours a day, and he was offered a job with the advertising firm owned by Hvidovre's chairman, Niels Erik Madsen. This was to be his last job outside football, as he was offered a contract with Brøndby the following spring.[10]

Eventually graduating to the Gladsaxe-Hero senior squad, Schmeichel met his first mentor in Svend Aage Hansen, the first team coach at the club, and later to become his father-in-law. With Gladsaxe-Hero already relegated from the Danish Third Division with three games to go, Hansen promoted Schmeichel and six others from the youth team for a match against IF Skjold Birkerød. The team lost 1–0, but Schmeichel received mentions in local newspapers for his personal performance.[11] At the end of the season, Hansen explained to Schmeichel his plan for the future, which involved Schmeichel spending two more seasons with Gladsaxe-Hero BK before moving on to Hvidovre, playing for the Danish national team, and eventually having a successful career abroad. Schmeichel admits that he had received an offer to play for B 1903's youth team, but he turned it down as the club "seemed a bit boring".[12]

The following season, Gladsaxe-Hero needed only to avoid defeat to Stubbekøbing to prevent relegation from the Danish National League. In the end, Schmeichel played one of the best games of his career and Gladsaxe-Hero won the match. At the end of the game, Hansen's daughter, Bente, ran onto the pitch and hugged Schmeichel. The two ended up going out as a couple, and they eventually got married.[13]

Schmeichel made his debut for the Denmark national football team in May 1987, under national manager Sepp Piontek, and was selected for UEFA Euro 1988, where he eventually became Denmark's starting goalkeeper, after initially serving as a back-up to Troels Rasmussen in Denmark's opening 3–2 defeat to Spain; Denmark lost both of their remaining two matches 2–0 to West Germany and Italy, however, and were eliminated in the first round of the competition.[15]

Under new national manager Richard Møller Nielsen, Schmeichel was Denmark's starting goalkeeper at the Euro 92 tournament which they went on to win.[16] Although Denmark initially finished behind Yugoslavia in their qualification campaign for the final tournament, the latter nation were banned from the competition, while Denmark replaced them in the finals.[15] Schmeichel made a string of important saves during the tournament,[16] keeping a clean sheet in Denmark's opening 0–0 draw against England, and producing decisive stops against Eric Cantona and Jean-Pierre Papin in a 2–1 win over France to advance to the last four.[15] In the semi-finals against defending champions the Netherlands, following a 2–2 draw after extra time, he stopped a penalty kick from Marco van Basten – the only miss of the shoot-out – which enabled Denmark to advance to the final in a 5–4 shootout victory.[44] Schmeichel also made several decisive saves in the final, and even held a cross with one hand, keeping a clean sheet in his nation's 2–0 victory over Germany.[45][46]

In November 1993, Schmeichel and Denmark failed to qualify for the 1994 FIFA World Cup, as they were tied on points and goal difference with the Republic of Ireland, and went out on goals scored.[15] Schmeichel played for Denmark at Euro 96, hosted by England. The defending European Champions went out in the preliminary group stage, despite delivering results equivalent to the Euro 92 tournament in the first round.[15][47] Under national manager Bo Johansson, Schmeichel was a part of the Danish squad at the 1998 FIFA World Cup, during which he overtook Morten Olsen as the most-capped player for Denmark. He was one of the leading members of the Danish campaign, which ended in a 3–2 quarter-final defeat to Brazil.[15]

Hvor bor Kasper Schmeichel?

Den danske landsholdsmålmand er ikke vild med at blive sammenlignet med sin far, målmandslegenden Peter Schmeichel. Når snakken falder på, hvem der er bedst af de to, plejer Kasper Schmeichel at himle med øjnene. I et interview hvor han blev stillet det irriterende spørgsmål: Hvem er bedst af Peter og Kasper Schmeichel, svarede han grinende i følge Billed Bladet:

"Det er et godt spørgsmål. Mange vil nok mene, at det er min far, men det er en umulig sammenligning, da fodboldspillet har udviklet sig meget, siden Peter ”The Great Dane” Schmeichel var målmand.

En del børn føler sig mobbet og udenfor i deres friluftsliv, og for mange af dem betyder det et farvel til fx en sportsaktivitet som fodbold. For at komme mobberiet til livs og skabe et større fokus på det sociale fællesskab i sportsklubberne rundt omkring i Danmark har kronprinsesse Mary og Mary Fonden lanceret ”Antibulli Fodbold”, som bl.a. Kasper Schmeichel er ambassadør for.

"Jeg er selv far til to, og jeg ville ikke kunne holde ud, hvis de blev holdt udenfor," siger han.

"Men jeg kan godt se, at jeg ikke altid selv var så inkluderende som barn, da det mest handlede om at være den bedste. Det vil jeg gerne lave om, for fodboldens fællesskab skal være for alle, uanset hvor du kommer fra," fortæller han i et interview på Mary Fondens hjemmeside.

Hvor har Cecilie Schmeichel købt hus?

Den sidste måned har Cecilie Schmeichel derfor gladelig inddraget sine mange følgere på Instagram i indretningen af familiens nye hjem, men i et opslag deler hun nu et kryptisk billede fra et helt særligt værelse i huset.

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På billedet, som du kan se her, står Cecilie Schmeichel sammen med sin datter helt oppe under husets tag, og i billedteksten spørger den tidligere ”Vild med dans”-deltager, om der mon findes nogle skarpe hoveder, der kan gætte, hvad netop dette rum skal bruges til.

Værelset tættest på himlen skal nemlig hverken være lege- eller krearum, som flere gættede på, men derimod Cecilie Schmeichels ungdomsværelse eller lejlighed. Hvad det helt bestemt indebærer, afslører influenceren dog ikke.

Familien satte deres rækkehus til salg i slutningen af februar, hvorefter både salg, køb og overdragelse gik stærkt for familien på fire, der tæller Cecilie Schmeichel, hendes mand Joakim samt parrets to fælles børn, Noah og Sofie.

Hvor meget får Kasper Schmeichel i løn?

@Patron Er det nødvendigvis negativt med en naturlig leder, som fylder meget, hvis han kan gøre det på en positiv måde? Kunne godt forestille mig et par af vores forsvarsspillere ville give den et par procent ekstra, hvis de lige pludselig har sådan en legende/profil i ryggen.

Udover det, ser jeg os gå to veje, og jeg kan selv leve med dem begge. 1) en profil som KS, der skal dække pladsen af et par sæsoner, indtil Ægidius er klar. I det tilfælde vil jeg være begejstret for at få KS ind, da han fra dag et vil tilføre erfaring og løfte folk foran sig. 2) en ny ung målmand, men med erfaring, som kan vokse med tiden og blive et nyt stort salg. Her kan jeg gå med både Leopold og Lund, men foretrækker Lund, som har massere af SL erfaring og proven stats. Tror Lund er er mere sikkert bud på en stabil målmand fra dag et (baseret på has SL erfaring).

Hvor langt kan Peter Schmeichel kaste?

”I sin kun tredje landskamp fik Kasper Schmeichel sit store gennembrud på landsholdet. Den 5. marts 2014 stod han på selveste Wembley stadion mod England, der havde fyldt så meget i faderens og sønnens liv og karriere. Den aften på Wembley spillede Kasper Schmeichel, så man tænkte, at Stephan Andersen og Thomas Sørensen kun allernådigst havde fået lov at låne målmandspladsen, siden den gamle Schmeichel takkede af i rødt og hvidt 13 år tidligere, den 25. april 2001.

Den nye Schmeichel var lige så blond, næsten lige så bred og heller ikke til at skyde igennem for de engelske angribere. Hans tilstedeværelse var som faderens til at få øje på. Efter 76 minutters spil af kampen på Wembley spurgte det engelske fodboldforbund FA på Twitter:

Hvad tjener Kasper Schmeichel om måneden?

Vi springer direkte ud i et overblik over de 10 bedst betalte danske fodboldspillere. Alle disse spillere spiller til dagligt i udenlandske klubber i nogle af de bedste ligaer i Europa. Der er spillere fra både Premier League, La Liga, Ligue 1 og Bundesligaen. Det er altså med rette de bedst betalte danske fodboldspillere, da de spiller på det allerhøjeste niveau i international fodbold.

Vi har indsamlet informationer om spillernes løn, som indsamler og behandler data om fodboldspillere løn, kontrakter og finansielle situation. Bemærk dog at der stadig kan være visse usikkerheder om spillernes præcise løn.

Hvad er der sket med Kasper Schmeichel?

A(z) Yahoo a Yahoo márkacsalád része.

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Hvad blev Kasper Schmeichel solgt for?

Det var Steffen Dams drøm at blive professionel fodboldspiller. Men som så mange andre unge, håbefulde drenge, rakte talentet ikke til det - det var end ikke i nærheden.

Alligevel har Steffen Dam formÃ¥et at kunne leve af sin passion for fodbolden. 

Hvilke danske sportsstjerner tjener mest?

Det var Steffen Dams drøm at blive professionel fodboldspiller. Men som så mange andre unge, håbefulde drenge, rakte talentet ikke til det - det var end ikke i nærheden.

Alligevel har Steffen Dam formÃ¥et at kunne leve af sin passion for fodbolden. 

Hvad er den højeste løn i Danmark?

Din lønseddel bærer sandsynligvis præg af, hvilken uddannelse du i sin tid valgte at læse.

Gennemsnitsindkomsten er nemlig vidt forskellig alt efter, om du har læst økonomi eller interkulturelle studier.

Hvilken dansker har scoret flest mål i Premier League?

Vi starter på klubplan, hvor særligt Manchester United sætter sit solide aftryk på rekordbøgerne. Selvom post-Sir Alex Ferguson-æraen ikke har været opmuntrende kapitler i The Red Devils’ historiebog, har klubbens enorme succes i 90’erne og 00’erne været med til at cementere klubben i toppen af mange lister.

Flest Premier League titler 13 – Manchester United(1992/93, 1993/94, 1995/96, 1996/97, 1998/99, 1999/00, 2000/01, 2002/03, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2010/11 & 2012/13)Flest Premier League titler i træk 3 – Manchester United (1998/99-2000/01 & 2006/07-2008/09) Manchester City (2020/21, 21/22, 22/23)Største Premier League sejrsmargin 19 point – Manchester City (2017/18)Mindste Premier League sejrsmargin 0 point, +8 i målforskel – Manchester City (2011/12)Flest Premier League sejre i træk 18 – Manchester City og Liverpool (26. august 2017 – 27. december 2017 og 27. oktober 2019 – 24. februar 2020)Flest Premier League point på en sæson 100 – Manchester City (2017/18)Færrest Premier League nederlag på en sæson 0 – Arsenal (2003/04)Flest scorede mål på en sæson 106 Manchester City (2017/18)Færrest indkasserede mål på en sæson 15 (Chelsea 2004/2005)Bedste måldifference på en sæson +79 – Manchester City (2017/18)Flest clean sheets i en sæson 25 – Chelsea (2004/05)Flest Premier League point uden at vinde mesterskabet 97 – Liverpool (2018/19)Færrest Premier League point for et mesterhold 75 – Manchester United (1996/97)

Det er dog ikke altid, at et hold skriver sig i historiebøgerne for noget godt. Og vi har selvfølgelig også lavet en oversigt over de negative Premier League rekorder, der er blevet sat i tidens løb.

Her må særligt Derby County håbe på, at et rigtigt l****hold snart rykker op og får nogle tæsk, så Derby kan få slettet nogle af sine mange negative Premier League rekorder.

Færrest Premier League point på en sæson 11 – Derby County (2007/08)Færrest Premier League sejre på en sæson 1 – Derby County (2007/08)Fleste kampe i træk uden sejr 32 – Derby County (2007/08)Flest Premier League nederlag på en sæson 29 – Ipswich Town (1994/95 – 42 kampe)29 – Sunderland (2005/06 – 38 kampe)29 – Derby County (2007/08 – 38 kampe)Færrest scorede mål på en sæson 20 – Derby County (2007/08)Flest indkasserede mål på en sæson 100 (Swindon Town 1993/1994) 42 kamp89 (Derby County 2007/2008) 38 kampeRingeste måldifference på en sæson -69 – Derby County (2007/08)Færrest clean sheets i en sæson 3 – Birmingham City (2007/08)3 – Derby County (2007/08)3 – Blackburn Rovers (2011/12)3 – Norwich City (2011/12)

Da Manchester City mødte Watford hjemme i 2019-20 sæsonen, blev der sat flere rekorder. Mest opsigtsvækkende var 5-0 føringen efter blot 18 minutter, hvilket var en udradering af den tidligere rekord, der blev sat af Sheffield Wednesday.

I 1997 brugte 44 de minutter på at bringe sig på samme føring. Men Citys nedslagtning af Watford, der endte på 8-0, er faktisk ikke den største Premier League sejr nogensinde. Her er et par af de mest opsigtsvækkende Premier League kamprekorder.

Hvad får Thomas Frank i løn?

Premier League-klubben i fodbold Brentford har forlænget kontrakten med den danske cheftræner Thomas Frank til sommeren 2027.

Det oplyser klubben på Twitter og på sin hjemmeside juleaftensdag.

Hvor meget tjener Kasper Schmeichel om ugen?

Kasper Schmeichel was born on 5 November 1986 in Copenhagen, Denmark.[6] He is the son of Bente and former Denmark international goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel, and is of Polish descent through his paternal grandfather.[7]

Schmeichel grew up in Denmark during his early years but spent most of his childhood living in England due to his father's playing career. Kasper is a native speaker of both Danish and English, the latter of which he speaks with a Northern-English accent. He attended Hulme Hall Grammar School in Cheadle Hulme, Stockport, Greater Manchester, and he also attended Saint Julian's School in Portugal while his father played for Sporting CP in Lisbon. When Alex Bruce, son of Kasper's father's former Manchester United teammate Steve Bruce, joined Kasper at Leeds United, the move saw the two players re-unite after both had previously played football together on the streets as children after school.[8]

Schmeichel joined Manchester City in September 2002 on a long-term contract, which covered schoolboy, scholar and professional terms.[13] He joined League Two side Darlington on a loan deal in January 2006,[14] where he made his professional first-team debut against Peterborough United at the Darlington Arena on 14 January 2006. Darlington won the game 2–1, with Schmeichel conceding a goal to Peterborough striker James Quinn.[15] He gained his first clean sheet three days later against Grimsby Town. He made two further appearances before returning to Manchester City.

One month after returning to Manchester City he was loaned out again, this time to Bury in February,[16] where he made 15 appearances in a three-month loan spell. He returned to Bury for a further three months the following season.[17]

Hvad får Kasper Schmeichel i løn i Nice?

Kasper Schmeichel valgte i sommer at skifte væk fra Leicester City efter mere end et årti i klubben.

Nu tørner den danske landsholdsmålmand ud for OGC Nice, hvor han til at starte med kæmpede noget for at være sine lønkroner værd. Det har siden ændret sig.

Who is Peter Schmeichel?

Schmeichel is regarded as one of the great goalkeepers of all time. Peter Schmeichel is set to appear on Friday night's Late Late Show alongside Ryan Tubridy. The former Manchester United goalkeeper will talk all things football, including his legendary career and will no doubt touch upon his son's Kasper's success for both Denmark and Leicester.

Who is Peter Boleslaw Schmeichel?

Ferguson then pats Peter Boleslaw Schmeichel on the back like he’s proud of him, as he might well be given the £505,000 fee turns out to be one of the biggest bargains in recent football history. He came on the recommendation of Alan Hodgkinson, the former England goalkeeper who travelled around clubs offering his services as a one-on-one coach.

How many international caps does Peter Schmeichel have?

Peter and Kasper Schmeichel have a combined 191 International caps, putting them just behind fellow Danes, the Laudrups, as the most capped family of all time. With Kasper still going strong, the record of 205 could be eclipsed within the next two years. Both have won Danish Football of the Year three times.

Who is David Schmeichel's ex-wife?

Schmeichel would leave Manchester United at age 36 for Sporting Lisbon where he won another league title before returning to English football with Aston Villa and then finished his career with a controversial move to Manchester City. Schmeichel has two kids with ex-wife Bente Schmeichel. The pair had a son, Kasper and daughter, Cecilie together.

Who is Peter Schmeichel?

  • Schmeichel is regarded as one of the great goalkeepers of all time. Peter Schmeichel is set to appear on Friday night's Late Late Show alongside Ryan Tubridy. The former Manchester United goalkeeper will talk all things football, including his legendary career and will no doubt touch upon his son's Kasper's success for both Denmark and Leicester.

Who is David Schmeichel's ex-wife?

  • Schmeichel would leave Manchester United at age 36 for Sporting Lisbon where he won another league title before returning to English football with Aston Villa and then finished his career with a controversial move to Manchester City. Schmeichel has two kids with ex-wife Bente Schmeichel. The pair had a son, Kasper and daughter, Cecilie together.

How did Schmeichel end his Manchester United career?

  • Schmeichel ended his Manchester United career on a high note, when the club won the Treble (the FA Premier League title, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League in the same season).

Who is Peter Schmeichel's daughter Cecilie?

  • Peter's daughter Cecilie is married to Joakim Pilkaer. Peter was married to ex-wife Bente Schmeichel but the pair divorced in 2013 and she is the father of their two kids. Schmeichel remarried in 2019 to long term partner Laura Von Lindholm. Von Lindholm previously appeared on the cover of Playboy in the US and now works as a nutritionist.